Wednesday 10th November 2021

Date: November 10, 2021
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Hotel St Pierre - Wakefield
Wakefield Events

Bookings by 12 noon on 9th November 2021

Cost: £30.00 inc VAT – arrival drink / 2 course lunch / coffee or tea


Lazenby’s 5 Steps to Business Success

After 8 years running a successful and expanding finance business and 25 years investing client money

Alan will show you the five things he considers most important to becoming and remaining successful in business

From the pains of setting up, to expanding clients and staff

Alan will show you his path to success

This event is sponsored by:

Lazenby’s Financial Services – Alan Lazenby

0113 322 0700 

[email protected]