Wednesday 22nd June 2022

Date: June 22, 2022
Time: 11:15 am - 2:00 pm
Location: Novotel - Leeds
Leeds Events

Bookings by 12 noon on Tuesday 21st June 2022

Cost: £30.00 inc VAT – arrival drink / 2 course lunch / coffee or tea


Hosted By : Jeff Cohen of Time Communications

So what is Cloud Telephony and is it all just hot air?

Since November 2017 Jeff has been warning about the big ISDN switch off in 2025 !! What is it all about and does it really matter? J​eff will explain why it really does matter, what is happening and why and what will happen if people ignore it.
​He will also explain what Cloud Telephony can offer a micro business as well as the medium and large business too.  Jeff will try to use simple language and not ‘technospeak’ and wherever possible, introduce some humour to what many find an uninteresting subject.

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